Family, Dedication and Success!

Hello, my name is Jerry Cearley, I go by JC and I'm a husband and father of three. Born and raised in Stockton, CA I was always a curious and inqusitive child who loved legos, science and space. Growing up I dreamt of one day being a scientist or engineer like Data or Geordi La forge from Star Trek: The Next generation. I attended Lincoln High School where I was a three sport athlete. As an offensive and defensive lineman I helped lead Lincolns first ever Section Championship football team to victory. As a heaveyweight wrestler I was undefeated in my senior season up to the State Championship where I took Second Place in the state of California, going on to place top ten in the nation.

Out of High School I attended Fresno State on a Wrestling Scholarship where I studied both Mechanical Engineering and Criminology. While attending school I was blessed with my eldest son and worked fixing bicycles for students as well as security for a local nightclub in addition to my studies and athletic commitments.

Midway through my college career a training accident left me with a torn ACL and Miniscus which halted my wrestling career. Faced with the responsibilities of fatherhood weighing heavily on my sholders, contrasted by two poor paying jobs and a limited number of hours in the day. After my surgery and rehabilitation I moved back to Stockton and began my Profesional Athletic Career as a mixed martial artist. Adding to my Wrestling background I trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai and Kickboxing and fought in porfessional state athletic commission events throughout California.

During my very last MMA bout, prior to any damage received from opponent, I was spontaeously afflicted by vertigo at the end of the first round and injury that would ultimately end my career as a professional athlete. Unwilling to risk permenent, irreversible physical harm used this event as a learning Experience and chose to persue what my passion had always been, science! Enrolled in San Joaquin Junior College I finished my engineering prerequisites and general education. While attending I worked as a Supplimental Instuctior for Calculus 1, 2 and 3 until I transfered to the University of the Pacific where I received my Bachelors in Electrical/Computer Engineering.

Currently I am finishing my Masters in Computer Engineering with a focus in Data Sciences and work for the University as a Graduated Teaching Assistant. Additionally I am apart of Dr. Vivek Pallipurams research team working on a machine learning educational assistance tool for students transitioning from highschool to college.

Thanks for taking time to hear my story,

Jc Cearley